
Why not associates - Portfolio

I love it when you come across a portfolio that you love so much, you get disapointed when you've looked through the whole thing!

Click image to enlarge


Happy Birthday...

...Milton Glaser!! I heart NY and I heart you too!!

Jung + Wenig - Portfolio

Fake mustache wearers Jung and Wenig have produced some really nice stuff.

Drew Turner - Portfolio

His work blew me away!


Stereoplastika - Free Fonts

So many good free fonts around these days! And I love a good blocky font.

I've used Groteska here:

It looks like it's meant to be printed on card, cut out and slotted together.

Save Your Logo

This is such a cool idea! Save your logo are asking people to invest in the conservation of the animals represented in their logos. Lacoste are already on board!

I've been trying to think of more logos with animals in them. All these animals may not be in need of conservation, but maybe they could help out with an animal of the same species.

Click image to enlarge

(I didn't think of all these myself :P I cheated.)


Ammunition Group

Former Pentagram-er and MetaDesign-ers morph into Ammunition.

Go go Power Rangers!!!!

Cube - Free Font

Cool free font (well, vector technically) available here: http://fontfabric.com/?p=620

LGBT Noise - Project

A poster I made for LGBT Noise.

Click image to enlarge

João Oliveira - Portfolio

I love the "Dictionary of received Ideas" project. Check out the rest of Joao Oliveira's work here: http://www.onrepeat.net/.


Magdalena Czarnecki - Portfolio

Originally from Sweden, studied in Sydney - now she's looking for freelance work, and with a potfolio this pretty I don't see any reason not to hire her!

Always with Honor - Portfolio

I love the style of these guys.

Marque - Portfolio

Lots of lovely identity work at Marque

Hey Studio - Portfolio


Brice Domingues - Portfolio

Go check out Brice Domingues portfolio now. I'll wait...

I don't know where the work done from Janurary 2008 onwards is kept though. Or if there is any!


Coup - Portfolio

Coup from Amsterdam. Very nice things.

Elektrosmog - Portfolio

An identity for a film production company using post-it notes! Very clever :D

Jimmy Choo for H&M


Andy Chen - Portfolio

Andy Chen: Intern at Pentagram (lucky enough to work with Paula Scher), and has a great portfolio.

FPO - Corporation Pop Business Card

Check out For Print Only to see the thiskest business cards ever! I love how the plastic is full of flaws and little bits and pieces. Less of a business card and more of a business block.

I loooove that orange.

European Design Hall of fame - Adrian Frutiger

Adrian Frutiger has become the third person inducted into the European Design Hall of Fame (Javier Mariscal and Erik Spiekermann are the other two winners). He wasn't able to attend the ceremony, but you can see a recorded message from him to the community.

Univers and Frutiger created by Adrian Frutiger (interesting sidenote - Frederic Goudy was the first to name a typeface after himself!).

Letter cults Best first half of 2009 - Custom lettering

Know your type - Futura - idsgn

The third installment in idsgn.org "Know your type" series. I had to include this because Futura is my most overused font! Very interesting to know it's the first typeface on the moon!


Matt Bucknall - portfolio

Very nice stuff :D

Futuristic movie timeline

No Terminator? I haven't seen 2001, Freejack, The Black Hole, Forbidden Planet, Zardoz, Barbarella and Dune, but the rest of those movies are probably amongst my favourites. I never knew I was such a sci-fi fan!

See the rest of this series here: http://danmeth.com/tagged/popculturalcharts

Fallen Pricesses by Dina Goldstein

These are so cool, I'm surprised it hasn't been done before! The Jasmine one is great.

WSDOT South Central Region Sign Shop - Flickr set

I wish I worked there :)